A Quick Rest Moment With The New Cigars By Davidoff

Davidoff expands its range of cigars Winston Churchill for those who have a busy life. The Raconteur (Petit Panetela) and the Traveler (Belicoso) allow you to appreciate the aromas of a complex blend in less than 20 minutes An innovative answer to our fast lifestyle.

Davidoff cigars Winston Churchill

The master blenders from Davidoff Master have taken on a fascinating challenge with lots of flair and subtlety: designing cigars with a complex character thanks to an equally costly and harmonious blend of high-quality tobacco from Nicaragua, Peru, Equator and the Dominican Republic. The inspiration for these short formats is the personality of a Winston Churchill; a great man whose complex characteristics as well as his actions and experiences shaped our history.

The Raconteur
Sir Winston Churchill was a storyteller, a lover of words with a lively and sometimes razor-sharp mind. A born storyteller and word weaver who delivered speeches that even his greatest enemies loved. His anecdotes were juicy and intertwined, just like the complex flavors of this Petit Panetela with earthy notes and hints of spices and licorice in the beginning, which slowly soften with floral and spice notes A scent reminiscent of evenings in the company of the great man.

The Traveler
Throughout his life, Sir Winston was a traveler, an adventurer who explored the world through his work as a war reporter, broadened his mind and broadened horizons. In this way he also discovered Cuba where his love for cigars arose. Because the seeds of this island are the essence of the Belicoso itself. His sense of travel led him afterwards to Marrakech, a city where he drew inspiration for numerous paintings and a city as rich in flavors as the Belicia cigar, which would certainly appeal to the exotic preferences of Sir Winston "himself".

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