Make a fist against cruelty in Brunei

Make a fist against cruelty in Brunei

The Sultan of Brunei, 71-year-old Hassanal Bolkiah, finds "stoning" a suitable punishment for homosexuality. The former playboy and womanizer argues that introducing the death penalty for gays is being introduced to educate, protect, and make them respect Islamic teachings? Incidentally, there are also some other corporal punishments: a child who steals an apple can now count on a severed hand in Brunei ....

UN rights organization is angry, but Hollywood is also rising. George Clooney published a list of luxury, expensive and operated by the Sultan hotels. Hereby the names (see below). Boycott these luxury hotel rooms!

And keep saying it, let these words become the biggest oil slick imaginable. CEOs, lawyers, dredgers, restorers, doctors and specialists, opera casts, television greats, think and say with us: We certainly no longer sleep here!

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